Photographer Martin Schreiber's best shot - Hannah Pool -

Hannah Pool - "In 1979, I was teaching nude photography
at Parsons school in New York. I needed models for the course – and
one day a 20-year-old called Madonna Ciccone showed up. She was just
another citizen, a girl trying to make ends meet. She was quiet,
taciturn. I'm not sure it was something she enjoyed. She did it for
the money, in this case $30. She was relaxed, composed, did as asked.
Some people are stiff, some are there to do a job, some give a little
more. She was in the middle: she did what she was told but nothing
"Shooting nudes is tricky. What are you trying to do? When is it a
nude; when is it erotica? There is nothing erotic about these
pictures. Erotica suggests sex; these pictures don't suggest sex. They
are studies of the body – it's sculpture with a camera. "


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